Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Dog days summer...
Did I get that saying right? Anyways, our dog Caiti, does absolutely nothing but lie around all day and night. I guess she gets that from me, which isn't good, for either of us. She's so spoiled...

Monday, June 29, 2009
Finally, for the first time this summer, I've taken my camera out and ventured around the yard, well, not quite 'around' the yard. But I did make it to my front my flower bed. I have lots of these and day lilies out there. So as I do every summer, I took some photos of them. These are my favorite from today, but not my favorite to date....

This is what I get from boredom. Haha... a trip around the yard, maybe I'll get out there again this week and get more photos.
This is what I get from boredom. Haha... a trip around the yard, maybe I'll get out there again this week and get more photos.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Well, as you know from an earlier blog, that we went home to KY and went camping for four days of it. I did not get one, NOT ONE bug bite the entire time. We walk around our yard here at home, in VA and stake up tomato plants and guess what? Yeah, you guessed right, probably, I have about 30 bites on each leg. And they itch like crazy! Goodness!!!!
We mowed and weed eaded the yard today, and then we headed out to go fishing. We fished a good 5 hours in the river, up and back down, and then we anchored out. Brent caught a few, small teeny tiny ones, that were NOT keepers, so we tossed them back and well, I didn't catch one thing. I did get a few bites(other than skeeter bites), just didn't hook anything. Bummer...
We mowed and weed eaded the yard today, and then we headed out to go fishing. We fished a good 5 hours in the river, up and back down, and then we anchored out. Brent caught a few, small teeny tiny ones, that were NOT keepers, so we tossed them back and well, I didn't catch one thing. I did get a few bites(other than skeeter bites), just didn't hook anything. Bummer...
Friday night fun...
Oh my goodness, it's Friday night, I'm sitting here watching Grease 2, and he's in there playing on the PS2. Normally we might go out to eat one night, on the weekend, but not tonight. No one is online, and no one has called, I am entirely way too bored. Haha.. OMG.
I have been editing other people's photos, with their permission of course, and here is one.
I have been editing other people's photos, with their permission of course, and here is one.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Still in waiting...
We are still waiting to hear about a couple of things, and I hope we get a great answer on both. Brent is still waiting to hear back on the military job in TN, but he thinks they're waiting to see if he makes Chief. Brent making Chief, is the second thing we're waiting on. I really hope he makes Chief. It will be good for him and his career in the Navy, tho... I am really hoping for the TN job to come thru. They may be waiting to see if he gets Chief, before telling him if he gets it or not. The TN job, would put us being three years at the most, but it would be three years, being only three hours from family! So, it's worth the move. I just hope we get it. It's a toss up, but he's got a great chance of getting it.... so, we are still in waiting. We should hear something about both things, by the end of July, or the next month.
The TN job, would be great for his career, it will open alot of doors in the future, and it's worth waiting for, but goodness, I hate to wait. I hate not knowing. I can't wait till we find out. Please keep us in your thoughts, and hopefully we'll get it.
Plus, we're still TTC, going on over a year and a half, officially. And nothing. So, keep us in your thoughts and wishes. I hope we get to start a family soon. If I could rub on some fertility statues, I would. Haha... ugh. Anyways, I was just on updating, while I am waiting for supper to cook. Meatloaf, cabbage, and maybe some fried green tomatoes. Yummy...
The TN job, would be great for his career, it will open alot of doors in the future, and it's worth waiting for, but goodness, I hate to wait. I hate not knowing. I can't wait till we find out. Please keep us in your thoughts, and hopefully we'll get it.
Plus, we're still TTC, going on over a year and a half, officially. And nothing. So, keep us in your thoughts and wishes. I hope we get to start a family soon. If I could rub on some fertility statues, I would. Haha... ugh. Anyways, I was just on updating, while I am waiting for supper to cook. Meatloaf, cabbage, and maybe some fried green tomatoes. Yummy...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Editing fun...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Well, after spending 12 days traveling to Kentucky and camping, fishing, fish fry, a wedding, baseball games, and just plain visiting, and then a trip back to Virginia, I am exhausted. I started doing some laundry yesterday, and we ran to Walmart to get some groceries. But I think I'm gonna veg for a couple of days. I will do my usual showering, cooking, and such, but I think I will wait about major house cleaning for a few days. We need a vacation from vacation. Haha...
We had so much fun, saw as much family as we could. We didn't get to ride horses but once, we stayed so busy, but we managed to find enough time to put Alyssa, our niece, on my baby horse "Burley", he's not but about a year old, and he's kind of puney, we're working on that, but for an unbroke horse, he didn't mind her being up there. She's not the first one on him, but one of the few.

We might make a cowgirl out of her someday, but she's got a long way to go, haha....
Brent went back to work today, he didn't want to, but he did. He called me today and said he was hearing some good news about the detailer job in TN. I am not getting my hopes up, but I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!! Anyways, we're still in waiting, on hearing about that and whether he made Chief or not. We should know both by the end of July.
We had so much fun, saw as much family as we could. We didn't get to ride horses but once, we stayed so busy, but we managed to find enough time to put Alyssa, our niece, on my baby horse "Burley", he's not but about a year old, and he's kind of puney, we're working on that, but for an unbroke horse, he didn't mind her being up there. She's not the first one on him, but one of the few.
We might make a cowgirl out of her someday, but she's got a long way to go, haha....
Brent went back to work today, he didn't want to, but he did. He called me today and said he was hearing some good news about the detailer job in TN. I am not getting my hopes up, but I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!! Anyways, we're still in waiting, on hearing about that and whether he made Chief or not. We should know both by the end of July.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Stephanie & Banyan, wedding bliss....
A week ago from today, I went to one of my best friends wedding. Stephanie and Banyan, have been dating for a long time. They finally got married, June 6th, 2009. It was a very simple wedding, but turned out great. She had alot of family there and I volunteered my photography skills, as a gift to her. I think for my first wedding, considering, I do mostly nature shots, I did a great job. I am impressed with my own work. She looked beautiful too.... here are a few photos.

The next two below, are probably my favorite.

I have many more photos on my photography myspace page. www.myspace.com/kristys_photography Check them out!!!!!
Congratulations Stephanie & Banyan!!!!
I have many more photos on my photography myspace page. www.myspace.com/kristys_photography Check them out!!!!!
Congratulations Stephanie & Banyan!!!!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Traveling wish 101.....
You know the saying, the traveling knome, traveling wish #101, camping at Sugar Bay. Haha... yes, that was the text message I sent a friend, trying to convince her to come camping with us. We were there and had our tent popped up and ready for a weekend of fun. I am so glad we planned the camping trip. We camped at Sugar Bay, in LBL. (Land Between the Lakes) It was so much fun!!!!!!!

We had so many people to show up! It was a great turn out, not everyone camped, but some camped, some/all fished, some swam, and we had a fish fry that Sunday. From what I can remember, we had 30 something people, between everything. (Brent, myself, my mother, Donnie, Bubba, Monica(her Trent made an appearance), Steven, Lathan, Neita, Rexie, Caleb, Alyssa, Cameron, Amanda, Justin, Papa, Uncle, Christopher, Meemaw, Carolyn, Blake, Josh, Kim, Toshia, Devin, Adam, Leslie, Danny, their two girls, Terri, James, Kaylie(sp?), Bubba's friend Trent, Bobby, Steven, and I'm sure I'm leaving some out.
I am not going to even try to post all of the photos, but here is a picture of some of them swimming. It was beautiful all weekend, so the kids were enjoying playing in the water, this isn't half of the kids that were out there, at one point. But it's a beautiful shot.
Justin, my brother in law, and his family, Amanda, Alyssa, Caleb, and Cameron, didn't get to stay for long, but they did come out for a few minutes. Caleb and Alyssa got to stay and camp and swim with Neita and Rexie at the camp ground. Sunday night, almost everyone left, but Brent and I, stayed one more night camping, with Donnie and Uncle. So we let Alyssa and my cousin Josh stay with us. They had fun swimming for a few more hours and were out early! Here is a picture of their family.
Brent and I, we only get to go home once or twice a year, because of his schedule. It's okay, but it's make it really hard to make up for lost time when we get to see them, so this camping event was something for us to have some fun, but yet get the whole family together. I had a blast. I really wish my sister and her family could have came.....
We did alot of fishing, this weekend for camping for perfect! It only cost $5 for anyone over 18 years of age, for three days. That is fairly cheap. There was NO running water, other than the lake, haha.... but there was a port a potty. Which was surprisingly clean. Fishing was fun, tho we didnt' hardly catch anything more than a few dozen perch, and a few small bass that weren't worth keeping. Now that I think of it, I don't think I caught even that. Bummer... but anyways, we had a couple of really lucky guys that Saturday night.
Donnie caught a 8 lb catfish on the other side of the bay, that took him probably 30 minutes or more walking thru woods and brush to get to.
Monica, who I met for the first time this trip home, (she didn't come to the family xmas dinner.... hmmm mmmmm...) and two of her boys came camping. It was fun, too bad they couldnt' have came both nights, maybe next time. Anyways, her son, Steven caught a 7.1 catfish. It was so wild. He was so excited and ofcourse I was jealous, haha.. but it was a beauty and sure did taste yummy Sunday!!!!
Monica and I talk on the internet, via Yahoo Instant Messenger, like almost everyday. She's going thru some issues right now, that I think with me being there, we've grown closer. We talk about anything and everything and we've been talking for a year almost. Monica is Brent's first cousin, but we found each other thru my cousins(her friend) myspace page. I really enjoy talking to Monica, it's gotten to where if I get an IM, or a text, Brent will be like, "is that Monica" or "oh, you're talking to Monica, arent' you." Haha... I love it. Anyways, it was our first time meeting, strangely enough, we both have the same pink hoodie, which I did NOT take with me, darn it... that would have made a great photo. Anyways, we had my mom take a picture of us with my big Canon. Obviously she was looking thru the WRONG hole.
Thankfully, I checked the picture to make sure it came out good! I had to have her to 'retake' the picture and this time I instructed her on which hole to look thru while doing it. Haha.....
I have SO MANY more pictures I could share, but I won't share them here, I'm sure there is way too many, but if you're on my personal myspace page, feel free to go check them out!
I also attended one of my good friends, wedding Saturday, June 6th. I will post a blog for that soon!
We had so many people to show up! It was a great turn out, not everyone camped, but some camped, some/all fished, some swam, and we had a fish fry that Sunday. From what I can remember, we had 30 something people, between everything. (Brent, myself, my mother, Donnie, Bubba, Monica(her Trent made an appearance), Steven, Lathan, Neita, Rexie, Caleb, Alyssa, Cameron, Amanda, Justin, Papa, Uncle, Christopher, Meemaw, Carolyn, Blake, Josh, Kim, Toshia, Devin, Adam, Leslie, Danny, their two girls, Terri, James, Kaylie(sp?), Bubba's friend Trent, Bobby, Steven, and I'm sure I'm leaving some out.
I am not going to even try to post all of the photos, but here is a picture of some of them swimming. It was beautiful all weekend, so the kids were enjoying playing in the water, this isn't half of the kids that were out there, at one point. But it's a beautiful shot.
Justin, my brother in law, and his family, Amanda, Alyssa, Caleb, and Cameron, didn't get to stay for long, but they did come out for a few minutes. Caleb and Alyssa got to stay and camp and swim with Neita and Rexie at the camp ground. Sunday night, almost everyone left, but Brent and I, stayed one more night camping, with Donnie and Uncle. So we let Alyssa and my cousin Josh stay with us. They had fun swimming for a few more hours and were out early! Here is a picture of their family.
Brent and I, we only get to go home once or twice a year, because of his schedule. It's okay, but it's make it really hard to make up for lost time when we get to see them, so this camping event was something for us to have some fun, but yet get the whole family together. I had a blast. I really wish my sister and her family could have came.....
We did alot of fishing, this weekend for camping for perfect! It only cost $5 for anyone over 18 years of age, for three days. That is fairly cheap. There was NO running water, other than the lake, haha.... but there was a port a potty. Which was surprisingly clean. Fishing was fun, tho we didnt' hardly catch anything more than a few dozen perch, and a few small bass that weren't worth keeping. Now that I think of it, I don't think I caught even that. Bummer... but anyways, we had a couple of really lucky guys that Saturday night.
Donnie caught a 8 lb catfish on the other side of the bay, that took him probably 30 minutes or more walking thru woods and brush to get to.
Monica, who I met for the first time this trip home, (she didn't come to the family xmas dinner.... hmmm mmmmm...) and two of her boys came camping. It was fun, too bad they couldnt' have came both nights, maybe next time. Anyways, her son, Steven caught a 7.1 catfish. It was so wild. He was so excited and ofcourse I was jealous, haha.. but it was a beauty and sure did taste yummy Sunday!!!!
Monica and I talk on the internet, via Yahoo Instant Messenger, like almost everyday. She's going thru some issues right now, that I think with me being there, we've grown closer. We talk about anything and everything and we've been talking for a year almost. Monica is Brent's first cousin, but we found each other thru my cousins(her friend) myspace page. I really enjoy talking to Monica, it's gotten to where if I get an IM, or a text, Brent will be like, "is that Monica" or "oh, you're talking to Monica, arent' you." Haha... I love it. Anyways, it was our first time meeting, strangely enough, we both have the same pink hoodie, which I did NOT take with me, darn it... that would have made a great photo. Anyways, we had my mom take a picture of us with my big Canon. Obviously she was looking thru the WRONG hole.
Thankfully, I checked the picture to make sure it came out good! I had to have her to 'retake' the picture and this time I instructed her on which hole to look thru while doing it. Haha.....
I have SO MANY more pictures I could share, but I won't share them here, I'm sure there is way too many, but if you're on my personal myspace page, feel free to go check them out!
I also attended one of my good friends, wedding Saturday, June 6th. I will post a blog for that soon!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
When you're camping, there isn't anything better than roasting hot dogs till they're black and bubbly, or melting marshmellows and making a smore, while having a fire going and having your family sitting around it. While we were camping, I played with my camera, didn't really play too long, only a few minutes, but I got one photo of the camp fire I love.

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