Well, it's been a very long time, since I've posted a blog. The last blog I posted was before November 2009. In the time since then, I've moved back home from Virginia to Kentucky, gotten a divorce, started a job, and trying to buy a house. Shoo... that is alot to put into one sentence.
Things in life happen, we all make choices that affect what happen to us and in this case, my ex made some bad choices that made me realize I deserved better. So, with that said, I have moved on and started a new life. I've lived away from home for nearly six years and I've missed out on alot. I'm soooo glad to be home, where I can see my family and friends and watch them grow. I have started working for Pepsi MidAmerica again, tho I'm in search of a new job.
I've started dating again, I'm seeing a guy named Justin, who I just adore. He works with my mom and came to ride horses one day, it was "just" a horse ride, but it's turned into so much more. Almost four months later, here we are. We're almost inseperable. He's a really great guy. I will tell more over time. :)
I have to back up and update a few things, photos, events, etc... that have happened since my last post. It'll take me a while to get it done, but hopefully I will get it done. We've camped, fished, rode horses, just spent time together, and I have new photography I can't wait to add. It's gonna take me a while to get everything on here, between work, Justin, family, buying a house and trying to sleep, I don't have much time to get on the computer anymore.
I hope to see you back on my blog, reading, and sharing.